The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I came to Cincinnati immediately following graduation to work as a Process Engineer at Procter and Gamble (P&G) working on their Folgers Coffee business. In 1984 I made the biggest decision of my life, committing to follow Christ as Savior and Lord. In 1988 I met Holly Fenningdorf of Central Michigan on a blind date. My second biggest life decision resulted in our marriage in 1989. We were fortunate to have two healthy sons, Trevor, now 18, and Ryan, now 16. P&G provided me a terrific environment for personal and professional growth. I was able to work with many talented people and have seen a lot of the world as I worked on coffee, health care, and beauty care products. My specialty has become the chemical engineering aspects of powdered products such as coffee, detergents, pharmaceuticals, and pet foods. In 2009 I accepted an offer to retire early from P&G in order to go to back to work on Folgers/Millstone/Dunkin Donuts coffee which was being sold to the J.M. Smucker Company, famous for it jellies and jams. I work in R&D for Folgers, now a fully-owned subsidiary of Smuckers. The work is challenging, business results are good, and the people are great. My hobbies are Bible study, men's ministries, weight training, following sports, and doing home and garden projects with my wife. Many people say that I am the most enthusiastic Penn Stater they know.